Khedive Scooter Patrol
Khedive Shriners riding their scooters in a parade
Khedive Shriners
Chesapeake, Virginia
Chartered in September 2003, this 30-person unit is very family-oriented, inviting spouses, children and other family members – as well as friends – to join in its support of Shriners Children’s, the philanthropy of Shriners International. If there’s a local parade or celebration, the Khedive Scooter Patrol will be there on their scooters, wearing their fezzes and proudly displaying a banner with their name for all to see. The unit is also involved in the Adopt-A-Highway Program, and members’ birthdays are celebrated at monthly meetings. Prospective members are encouraged to join in the parades, dinners and other activities to learn more about joining the unit.
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