Apprentice Certificate Program
The Apprentice Certificate Program is an online education program focused on best practices in the areas of membership recruitment and retention, and marketing, communications, branding and public relations. It is part of the Noble Academy presented by Shriners International Education Foundation. To earn your Apprentice Certificate, you are required to attend all four virtual events in the 4th Annual Membership & Marketing Virtual Event Series. We encourage you to attend each event live to have the chance to interact with other learners and ask questions of the presenters. If you are not able to attend at the time of the event, you can watch on-demand and still receive credit. The deadline to view all events and receive your Apprentice Certificate is Friday, June 14, 2024.
Don't Miss the 4th Annual Membership & Marketing Conference and Masters Class
The Shriners International Education Foundation (SIEF) Noble Academy presents its 4th Annual Membership & Marketing Conference and Masters Class in 2024. Join us in sunny Orlando, Florida, at the Rosen Centre Hotel for three days of education, fun and fellowship! There is something for everyone to enjoy at this all-new destination and venue.